Richmond Oncology
BMI Healthcare
Richmond Oncology
Call us 0161 428 3656


Before you come in for your first appointment it is probable that all your notes and test results will already have been forwarded to the consultant you are going to see.

Your first consultation could last around an hour, providing sufficient time for the consultant to go through your medical history, examine you, discuss their recommendations and for you to ask as many questions as necessary to reassure you regarding the way forward.

We find that many questions only occur to people after extensive discussion; better that they should be raised while you are with your consultant.

However, if you do have questions that occur to you later please do contact us on 0161 495 6806 and your consultant will return your call at the first available opportunity.

Should you require chemotherapy treatment you will spend time with a senior nurse who will talk through the prescribed chemotherapy regime. You will be advised of any side effects and toxicities, and what to expect on the day of treatment and days following the treatment cycle.

You will also be provided with literature containing useful information for you to read and our contact details.

Richmond Oncology